Seattle is famous for many things. If you’re a foodie, you probably associate Seattle with the freshest seafood. Many people associate cities such as Chicago and New York with pizzas. These cities even have their own style of pizza named after them. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a great pizza when in Seattle. In fact, when you sample the best Seattle pizza at Big Mario’s Pizza, you probably won’t want pizza from anywhere else. Big Mario’s Pizza offers you the opportunity to sample pizza that carries years of tradition learned in the kitchens of New York. If you’re searching to get the best NY-style pizza in Seattle, you should visit Big Mario’s Pizza.

Why Is New York Style Pizza So Great?

If you’ve ever ordered a pizza, you may have been asked whether you’d like a New York Style Pizza, Chicago-style pizza, or Neapolitan-style pizza. Pizza has evolved over the years to suit different preferences. Pizza toppings have evolved as chefs experiment with different ingredients. The style of the crust has also evolved over the years with some preferring thick crusts and others going for thin crusts.

The New York style pizza is a descendant of the traditional Neapolitan style pizza which was first introduced in the US in the early 1900s. This kind of pizza is characterized by a large and wide crust that is especially thin.  The thin crust is achieved by tossing the dough by hand.

Many people like New York-style pizza for its soft and flavorful crust. The secret with this pizza is keeping the ingredients in the crust as simple as possible. The dough is made from sugar, yeast, olive oil, and high-gluten bread flour. High protein flour is used to enhance gluten development during the kneading of the dough. The result is a crust that is chewy yet light.

There is a widely held myth that the unique flavor of New York-style pizza is largely a result of the minerals in New York’s water supply. There have even been stories of restaurants and pizzerias outside New York City importing water from New York to achieve the same flavor. However, this is indeed a myth. The unique flavor of the crust is largely a result of the fermentation time allowed for the dough.

Another aspect that contributes to the flavor of the New York Style pizza is how the pizza is baked. Many people love the thin and crispy crust with its soft chewy inside. This is achieved with ovens that cook at extremely high temperatures. Many pizzerias such as Big Mario’s Pizza have been using their ovens for years. Many believe that the years of cooking pizzas results in flavors being absorbed by the ovens. These play a part in improving the flavor of the pizzas.

Why Big Mario’s Pizza is the Best Place for New York Style Pizza in Seattle

If you’re searching for the best NY-style pizza in Seattle, you will get the best when ordering your pizza from Big Mario’s Pizza. The pizzeria has been at the forefront of the pizza game in Seattle for years. The Pizzeria was established by Mario Velloti, an Italian who immigrated to New York from Naples, Italy in 1964. Mario came to America seeking work. He landed a job on Mulberry Street in New York and spent his early years in the city making a living tossing pizzas in many of New York’s most prominent kitchens at the time, including Nanni Al Valleto on 59th Street, Casa Bella on Mulberry Street and Angelo’s.

Mario’s pizza making skills were honed in these kitchens and perfected when he joined his uncle and brother in the family business. They opened various pizzerias in the five boroughs of New York. These pizzerias gained popularity and have become renowned in New York and beyond.

Mario later moved to Seattle where he established his own Pizzeria, Big Mario’s Pizza. The pizzeria has since relied on the recipes and traditional cooking methods taught by Big Mario and handed down through generations of his family. It is not surprising that Big Mario’s Pizza is known for offering the best of Seattle pizza.

While Big Mario’s Pizza holds true to the traditions passed down from Big Mario himself, they’re not afraid to experiment. In fact, the pizzeria is the place to be if you’re searching to get the best vegan pizza Capitol Hill has to offer. The pizzeria offers a wide selection of pizzas in various styles to suit different palates and preferences.

Are you craving a New York Style pizza? Want to try the best vegan pizza Capitol Hill has to offer? You should make your way down to Big Mario’s Pizza or simply order your pizza online and get it delivered directly to you.