Pizza is hands down the best and most versatile foods ever invented. There are not only a wide variety of pizza styles available but you can top your pizza with practically anything you want. The New York style pizza is easily one of the most popular pizza types. This large, thin-crust pizza is a favorite amongst many. Its large and thin crust makes it easy to eat the pizza on the go. It also makes for a mess-free meal. This pizza type often features pepperoni and cheese as its toppings. However, there are many more pizza toppings that are just as great if not better than the classic pepperoni and cheese.

The Best Pizza Toppings to Try

Below are some of the best pizza toppings to try on your New York Style pizza.

  • Sausage

If you’re a meat lover, you should try replacing the pepperoni with sausage. Sausages are a great choice as they come in various types and with various flavors. You can change your pizza experience every time by simply changing the type of sausage you use as an ingredient.

  • Bacon

Sticking with the meat theme, why not try some flavorful bacon? Although it is usually associated with breakfast, bacon makes a delicious meal for any time of the day. The aroma of bacon will be sure to get the digestive juices flowing long before you take a bite. Fresh, pancetta or crumbles, this versatile topping is guaranteed to hit the spot.

  • Mushrooms

Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan or meat-lover, mushrooms are a great way to add texture and flavor to your pizza. Mushrooms will add a unique earthy flavor to your pizza. They are also a great way to load up on proteins.

  • Peppers

Peppers are a great way to add color and flavor to your pizza. When grilled slightly, they retain that crunchy texture that makes you feel like you’re having a fresh salad. They are a great way to ensure you have your five-a-day while enjoying a tasty pizza.

  • Onions

Onions are another great vegetable to consider for your pizza. Try different onion types to achieve different flavors and colors. Cooked, sliced, raw or diced, onions will add flavor to your pizza and keep you wanting more.

  • Chicken

Whole chicken isn’t a traditional ingredient, it is one of the most popular meat choices for pizza toppings. It is almost impossible to have a bad-tasting pizza when chicken is the main topping. Chicken is versatile. You can prepare it in many different ways to achieve different flavors. Grill it, fry it, marinate it, boil it; the options are endless.

  • Arugula

If you haven’t tried arugula on your pizza before, you’re missing out on a unique pizza experience. Arugula adds a peppery yet fresh flavor to your pizza. It will add texture and color to the pizza while making it feel healthier.

  • Prosciutto

In keeping with the meat theme, why not try prosciutto on your pizza? This cured ham, popular in Italy, is salty and flavorful. It will add a lot more oomph to your pizza than many other types of ham or meats. Paired with arugula and cheese, prosciutto pizza will have you wanting more.

  • Figs

You’ve probably had pineapple on pizza but have you tried figs on pizza? Figs may seem like an unlikely topping but they are actually a popular topping in Rome. Figs are great especially when they are paired with salty and savory flavors such as prosciutto.

If you want to try different ingredients including some that you’ve probably never tried, you should visit Big Mario’s Pizza. This is the home of the best pizza in Seattle.

How to Choose the Right Toppings for Your Pizza

While it is true that you can put just about anything on a pizza, how you combine your pizza toppings will determine whether your pizza is a success or not. Here are some tips for achieving the perfect balance with your toppings.

  1. Keep it simple. Choose two to three ingredients. This will allow each ingredient’s flavor and texture to shine through.

  2. Pair sweet ingredients with savory ingredients. Sweet ingredients such as pineapples are great paired with savory ingredients such as cured ham.

  3. Don’t forget texture and color. Vegetables such as peppers are great for providing both texture and color.

Other Types of Pizza to Try

While on the subject of trying something new, you should consider trying different pizza types. The Chicago-style pizza is a great option for a completely different pizza experience. The deep dish pizza, similar to a pie, offers you the opportunity to truly load up on toppings. The Sicilia pizza offers you the chance to try a traditional take on pizza. You can try Greek pizza for a Mediterranean take on pizza. This pizza with a puffy and chewy crust is a great place to start when venturing away from New York-style pizzas.


Pizza is one of the most versatile meals available today. You can completely change your experience by changing the ingredients. What are your favorite toppings? Let us know in the comments below.

If you're in Seattle and looking for some delicious NY-style pizza, be sure to check out our menu list ! You won't be disappointed.